Computer Control in KS2         Lego MindStorms RoverBot



Roverbot vehicle with a double sensor front bumper

RoverBot pictured with a double switched front bumper and a light sensor.  This is probably the best robot design for classroom use as it is very robust. Combined with the Robotics Invention (V2) software it makes a powerful classroom tool for delivering Control in KS2 and supporting activities in Design and Technology.

Programs are beamed to the vehicle  to one of five available 'slots'  via an infra-red USB Tower (see below).

Simple pen attachmentUSB Tower - beams the program to your robot

          Simple pen attachment. Draw as you move!

LegoMindStorms (Robotic Inventions) USB Tower 

The Infra-red tower is connected to a computer systems free Universal Serial Bus (USB) port. Most recent desktop systems have two such ports, usually located at the back next to the keyboard and mouse ports. Some very recent computer systems have the ports mounted on the front.

TIP - Use a USB extension lead to position the tower next to the Lego model. This is particularly useful when a group is working on the floor. A five metre lead and adaptor costs around £7.00.