Computer Control in KS2         Lego MindStorms RoverBot



Unit 4E: Modelling effects on screen

Short focused Task 2

Ask the children to predict the outcome of a given sequence.


Pen down, Forward 100, Right 90, Forward 100, Right 90, Forward 100, Right 90, Forward 100, 


To view a sample program click this link


Short focused Task 3

Ask the children to draw the first letter of their name on graph paper and then build the instructions for the on screen turtle. 

Tip - Pen Up is important!

To view a sample program click this link


Short focused Task 4 - Repeat Command

Discuss with the children their previous experiences with a repeated sequence and demonstrate the instruction: Repeat 6 [Forward 40, Right 60].

To view a sample program click this link


Short focused Task 5 - Procedures