Computer Control in KS2
This page displays links to current news articles and advice for teachers.
On-site Control INSET now available!
Contact James on 01257 516380
New Mustek Digital camera DV4000
Toshiba Tablet PC - First Impressions (26/11/2003)
Laptop Charging Trolley - New + better price! (posted14/06/2004)
IconLock. A free and very useful utility to lock the windows desktop + more. (23/11/2003)
Notebooks price crash - Toshiba Pro A40 laptop for £491 (posted14/06/2004)
Purchasing computers for a primary school - the main options (Updated 14/06/2004)
Ergo Tablet PC review
Interactive whiteboards - the options+suppliers
Example Traffic lights program for Lego MindStorms
NEW StarOffice 7 released - first thoughts...