Computer Control in KS2         Lego MindStorms RoverBot



Modelling Effects on Screen

Modelling (QCA 4E) and Computer Control (5E/6C) are for many teachers, a new and difficult area of development. Thankfully, software and hardware development has moved on, so that many of the fears expressed by teachers are now much easier to address. 


Many teachers will start  Modelling by linking activities within QCA 4E. It offers a structured approach with lots of guidance and ideas. In the QCA focussed tasks below, I have taken the process a step further by demonstrating the type of tasks teachers may wish children to attempt using either Softease (formerly Textease) or Blackcat Logo.


How can I manage classroom resources?

To help in the difficult area of the management of  resources, I would recommend tagging this activity to practical exercises with the Valiant Roamer and whatever control equipment used in KS2. So a KS2 group in an ICT suite using three Lego MindStorms kits (groups of four children on each kit) could easily be working alongside children building procedures on the Valiant Roamer, and further groups on related Modelling tasks with Softease turtle or Blackcat Logo. Some of the children will need to be planning work away from the computer systems.


Does Logo link to other areas of the curriculum?

Logo directly supports wide areas of the curriculum, including key skills of:

Communication (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing) 

Working with Others

Thinking skills

Problem Solving (for example, changing the number of sides in a Polygon procedure)

Improving own Learning and Performance


What would you suggest for homework exercises?

Either get the children to do some planning on grid paper, or why not download the free MSW Logo program for the children to use on a home computer on the following link:


Which Logo program should I use?

Dozens of Logo programs exist and a recent popular newcomer is Softease Turtle. It is an excellent and flexible programming tool to teach Logo at Primary or Secondary level.


Other excellent Logo alternatives include: Blackcat Logo From Granada Learning. As with most other Blackcat products, the software is presented in visually appealing coloured levels.


Visual Logo is a further and rather unique option which retails for £29(50 station licence). The drag and drop interface concept fits well with the Mindstorms control interface. A 30 day trial version can be downloaded from


Ideas for the Foundation stage


Self Assessment

QCA Unit 4E

Modelling Effects on Screen


Section 1 - Setting the scene 


Short focussed Tasks 2 - Inputting commands


Short focussed Tasks 3 - Penup/Pendown


Short focussed Tasks 4 - Repeat Command/simple procedures


Short focussed Tasks 5 - Teaching Logo a new name/procedure


Short focussed Tasks 6 - Combining procedures to form a new procedure


Short focussed Tasks 7 - Calling procedures within a procedure





Sample Logo file: